How it Works

Let us introduce you to WellnessLinc! WellnessLinc is a wireless- cellular based, communicating support system which functions, without the need for computers, and internet- using only small sensors placed discreetly throughout the house, for use with beds, chairs, medicine cabinets, refrigerators, toilets, doors and/or windows.
It has been proven that PERS pendants have a success rate of only 20%; the reasons not only being technological issues, like battery life or physical range, but rather user issues, indicating that people are inhibited, not wanting to create a fuss or bother. They feel embarrassed to wear or use the pendant. Or often they forget them, and leave them sitting in drawers. For individuals with decision making issues, pendants cannot be relied upon alone either.

WellnessLinc meets your specific healthcare assistive needs, while you and your loved ones live as usual with nothing extra to do or worry about! This Wellness automation can include lighting, door locks, thermostats, security; and the list goes on.

Alerts can be set to take action for:
Potential falls (if fallen out of bed)
Lack of eating
Making sure medicines are not forgotten
Monitoring sleep patterns, bathroom patterns, Noting unusual or irregular behaviors or forgetful behaviors with (light switches, stoves, door locks, or security
This sensory communicating technology sends alerts via text, phone call or email messaging in real time to family members or caregivers, with data from these sensors which you set instructions for.
And, WellnessLinc technology is the only system which alerts you to let you know all is well, providing peace of mind for everyone!
Wouldn’t it be nice to receive a text alert which was literally communicated from the fridge door sensor…letting you know that Mom was up, had set about her normal morning routine for breakfast, and all was well?
Or you could receive an alert from her bed sensor, indicating that she had remained well past her normal rising time…and you might want to check on her.
WellnessLinc can also be integrated with your existing security system to provide your family with an added Wellness connectivity for safety, well-being and your continued independence
You may be on your own… never be alone!
Your being connected can make all the difference.