Learn About WellnessLinc
Introducing WellnessLinc

"Monitor your loved ones without inhibiting their normal routine."
As technology improves so does our healthcare. Your loved one can now stay home longer!
WellnessLinc is compelety customizable, unobtrusive, and easy to use.
More than a PERS.
WellnessLinc Technology is an expansion on the traditional PERS system. But, you don't have to push a button to alert someone of an emergency.
Using a system of sensors professionally installed you will be able to monitor your loved one how you see fit.
Save you hard earned money.
Assisted Living Facilities can cost a family thousands of dollars a month. WellnessLinc is an extremely cost effective way to save money before your loved one is ready for full time care.
WellnessLinc provides security and increased safety.
Peace of mind is what we all strive for when it comes to the safety of our loved ones. WellnessLinc technology is a 24 hour safety. Our system can include (but is not limited to):
Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and an alarm system.
Introducing WellnessLinc by Radio Alarms:
Wouldn't you rather your loved live at home for as long as the could?
We all want are loved ones to stay at home for as long as they can.
Set alerts right to your phone.
"Medicine cabinet opened, mom is taking her medicine."
You will also be able to track trends over time such as if your loved one is frequently up in the night using a bed sensor.

Recieve Alerts On Your Phone
Enjoy Peace of Mind.
You decide what you want to be monitored. Set alerts to come to your phone, so that you are notified of emergencies or potential problems. Medicine cabinet not opened? Stove left on? Front door not closed? Achieve peace of mind with WellnessLinc technology.

WellnessLinc uses discreet sensors to track activity, so you are made aware of any changes in routine or wellness indicators such as: sleep patterns, eating habbits, and bathroom behaviors.
Have Round the Clock Insight.
Track Activity & Wellness
Life Independence Now Continues
WellnessLinc is a proactive, resource-saving, care-giving answer to the Aging In Place concerns of families.
WellnessLinc is a system designed to assist seniors and individuals with physical, emotional, memory, or mobility issues, who want their independence to continue, while living on their own, at home.
Keep your independence!
Stay in the comfort of your home!
Save money!
No buttons to push.
A discreet user friendly system!
Stay connected 24/7 to your loved ones and caregivers!
Reduce family frustration and friction!
Our system is fully customizable to your specific
Innovative and extremely cost effective, this smart system does it all – simplifying the tasks of daily living.
The simplicity of the system is amazing - possibilities are endless!
Your personalized WellnessLinc system ….
Learns and tracks daily routines, trends and vulnerabilities
Delivers customized alerts and notifications in real time to family, caregivers, and/or emergency response services (via phone calls, text messages, or email)
Provides medication status alerts and reminders
Automates lighting, thermostats, locks and security
Bed sensors note unusual patterns or behaviors
Includes a Personal Emergency Response system (button or pendant) customized to your specific needs

Listen to a Testimonial
Hear How WellnessLinc Tech Is Improving Lives.

Testimonial before the United States Senate –
Special Committee on Aging
Word of ‘Wellness’ technology has made its way to the United States Senate – Special Committee on Aging! Benefits of aging in place technologies have been shared with the Senate via testimony of Mr. Charles S. Strickler.

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